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Bug Warning Level:

WaspNest is a basic HTTP web page validator that runs as a Windows 2000 or XP service.  The following features are supported:

    Checks at configurable intervals to see if the supplied website(s) can be accessed.
    WaspNest does not require a local SMTP server installed on the machine where the WaspNest service is running.  It communicates with whatever SMTP server IP address has been supplied through the configuration file.
    If one or more websites can not be accessed then an email message is sent using the target SMTP email server.  The email contains a listing of the websites that failed to respond.
    All configurable parameters are supplied through a XML configuration file.  A Windows GUI editor is supplied for managing the XML configuration file.
    An install/uninstall program is supplied.
    WaspNest is a C# service built using the .NET framework.

 I can dig it!  I love being the guy that throws a rock at a beehive (or wasp nest in this case) just to see what happens!